The late seventeenth century, the north of Old Montreal was a vast forest stretching the foot of Mount Royal, surrounded by marshes and streams. However, the first Europeans settled in Notre -Dame- de-Grâce November 18, 1650, or Jean Descarries (or Descaris) said Holly and Jean Leduc, Ige originating in Perche (France)
Both French each receive thirty acres of land in Notre- Dame -de -Grâce, a vast territory that extended from what would become Atwater to Lachine.
In 1853, construction of the Notre-Dame-de-Grâce is complete.
In December 1876, it proclaimed the creation of the municipality of the town of Notre- Dame -de -Grâce. In 1906, incorporating the Village of Notre-Dame-de-Grâce in town municipality. June 4, 1910, proceeded to the final annexation of Notre- Dame -de -Grâce in Montreal.
It was during this period that the great family of Descarries, which was anchored a long time in the industry reached its peak. For example, Daniel Jeremiah Decarie (1836-1904) was mayor of Notre-Dame-de-Grâce from 1877 to 1904 and his son, the lawyer Jeremiah Louis Decarie (1870-1927) was a Quebec parlemenataire.
In May 1912, officially designates Decarie. (Portions of the segment was already known Avenue Décarie).
In 1908, the first tram appeared in Notre-Dame-de-Grâce. A path from the street Mont-Royal, around the mountain and ends at the Snowdon station. Gradually the village developed around the church of Notre- Dame -de -Grâce who is master of the seven parishes west of the island. It was around 1920 that NDG welcomes more anglophones, resulting in the construction of numerous schools and churches. The Decarie Expressway is open to motorists in 1966, in time for the 1967 World’s Fair. The construction of the highway forced the displacement of 285 families and shook the neighborhood.
The area is now attached to Côte-des-Neiges in the Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce since 2002.
(Source: Wikipedia )
3rd Quarter 2013(1) Last 4 Quarters(1) Past 5 years(1) Sales 31 11 % – 2 % Active Listings 85 23 % 36 % Median Price 580000 $ -9 % 605000 $ -3 % 36 % Average Days (Days) 90 45 61 14 CONDO FOR SALE NOTRE-DAME-DE-GRACE
3rd Quarter 2013(1) Last 4 Quarters(1) Past 5 years(1) Sales 79 10 % -7 % Active Listings 439 6 % 36 % Median Price 283497 $ -5 % 315000 $ -3 % 24 % Average Days (Days) 106 16 101 2 DUPLEX TRIPEX QUADRUPLEX AND FIVEPLEX FOR SALE NOTRE-DAME-DE-GRACE
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